Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Electric Cars are Too Quiet

Electric Cars are Too Quiet

Electric cars are fun to drive and accelerate quickly from a dead stop. This is because it has two speeds; Dead and alive. They are nice too because they are quiet and peaceful; no noise pollution. How can this be a bad thing?

For the safety of stationary electric vehicles running will now be required to make noise; to prevent the other car accidents, bicycle and pedestrian. Electric car maker to use this as a marketing tool to say you can select the sound you want your car to make.

You can get a Ferrari Sound, Beethoven, the sound of a motorcycle, or even air swooshing. The sound will be played at 60 watts with the speaker facing out. And will be required by law that you have to choose one when you buy a car. You can get a voice buy all seven days if paying for the extra features. If you are a fan of street racing, rely on new security item for you too; Auto service industry is also taking this seriously too; Some say the best way to stay safe is to become larger and others say it is a problem. Big cars took more go go juice and large they are more damage they do when they hit something. Take SUV £ 6000 for example; hate to T-boned the Honda car.

In case you are wondering why we are studying this, because 40,000 people per year lost their lives in traffic accidents. You worry about the Iraq conflict? It is 2000 times larger. Electric cars have not caught diesel electric spacious and many have withdrawn, but the hybrid and hydrogen gas or electric car seems to be the wave of the future. In 2004 they sold hybrid car maker is taking companies that do not. The issue of high fuel prices drive profits and demand for these cars.

Of course you can drive your electric car at the library without disturbing anyone, but you are responsible for hitting someone uses a computer or search for books using the Dewey Decimal System for long. A small voice in this regard is a good thing. Think about it.

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