Monday, April 27, 2015

Tips On How To Know If A Car Needs New Tires

Tips On How To Know If A Car Needs New Tires

Ever wonder when to replace your worn car tires? The efficiency of your car tires is critical to the safety, performance and efficiency of your vehicle. Nearly all tires are intended to offer similar performance across their lives. However, in time they start to lose performance when it comes to their traction and braking ability.

The tread on your tires should not decrease below 1/16 of an inch (1.6 millimeters) in depth. In case always drive on slick, wet surfaces, you'd be even better off with twice that much. You should buy a gauge to indicate the tread depth the way the pros handle.

Put a penny head first into quite a few tread grooves across the tire. If you at all times see the top of Lincoln's head, your treads are shallow and worn. Assuming this is the problem, your tires should really be replaced. If part of Lincoln's head remains covered by the tread, you could have even more than 2/32 of an inch of tread depth remaining.

Tread depth isn’t the only area to consider when replacing your tyres. Tyres consist of moisture and oils that help in keeping them supple and assist in dispersing heat. As a tyre ages is loses it’s flexibility as the oils evaporate out. In general a tyre is required to be replaced after 5 years despite that it still has sufficient tread depth.

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